Coming soon! A new online gallery
Welcome to Artworkz! Here you will find my online gallery, showcasing an array of vibrant abstract paintings. All my artwork is created with heart and soul, striving to bring beauty to the world. My art is designed to ignite joy, happiness and inspiration, so come and explore the beauty of art!

Live Your Life Full with Colour!

Art with

At Artworkz Gallery, you not only find a variety of contemporary photo art that will bring you closer to nature which will make you feel peace and calm. You will also help change the lives of children who aren’t that fortunate in life to be able to develop creative skills.
Are you, like me, passionate about art and helping others? Then you came to the right place.
Creativity and expression are essential to a holistic mindset - just as important as eating and drinking. Creativity can help in healing trauma. Artistic expression can be empowering, artistic development can contribute to developing new skills and help manifest the life a person wants.
Creativity is a human right and I'd like to contribute by creating new possibilities for those who don't have access to these opportunities.
Together we can make a difference and contribute to creating a kinder and more compassionate world.
When you buy your Artworkz, you will receive that extra love and care.
My purpose in life is to make people happy and spread joy. Join me!
“The country (world) is so wounded, bleeding, and hurt right now. The country (world) needs to be healed—it’s not going to be healed from the top, politically. How are we going to heal? Art is the healing force.” ~ Robert Redford, National Arts Policy Roundtable 2012